MacCAN-KvaserCAN - Version 0.1 released
Version 0.1 (Commit 64e4388 of June 3, 2021): CAN 2.0: 11-bit and 29-bit identifier bit-rates up to 1’000 kbps Bit-rate settin...
Version 0.1 (Commit 64e4388 of June 3, 2021): CAN 2.0: 11-bit and 29-bit identifier bit-rates up to 1’000 kbps Bit-rate settin...
Version 0.2 (Commit 5799eff of June 3, 2021): Migrated to Visual Studio 2019 and adapted the MSC build environments Switched to a dual-license: BSD-2-C...
UV Software has launched the MacCAN GitHub pages
Version 0.2 (Commit 52f784a of February 28, 2021): Worked in the latest changes from MacCAN-Core (SVN rev. 986) Added a CAN API V3 compatible Python wr...
Version 0.2 (Commit 0354cb4 of February 7, 2021): Applied changes from CAN API V3 specification (rev. 925 to 987) Added C++ class CPeakCAN derived from...