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PCBUSB-Wrapper - Version 0.2.1 released

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Version 0.2.1 (Commit 95dcdc6 of June 8, 2021): Added a check for valid identifier range in can_write Added a check for valid messages flags in can_wri...

PCANBasic-Wrapper - Version 0.4.1 released

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Version 0.4.1 (Commit 60fa2d4 of June 7, 2021): Updated to PCANBasic DLL version 4.5.4 Switched to a dual-license: BSD-2-Clause OR GPL-3.0-or-later A...

MacCAN-TouCAN - Version 0.2.1 released

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Version 0.2.1 (Commit 0b4a139 of June 5, 2021): Fixed the hibernation issue (issue #11) Fixed a bug when trying to send a status message Fixed a bug ...

MacCAN-KvaserCAN - Version 0.1 released

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Version 0.1 (Commit 64e4388 of June 3, 2021): CAN 2.0: 11-bit and 29-bit identifier bit-rates up to 1’000 kbps Bit-rate settin...

KvaserCAN-Wrapper - Version 0.2 released

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Version 0.2 (Commit 5799eff of June 3, 2021): Migrated to Visual Studio 2019 and adapted the MSC build environments Switched to a dual-license: BSD-2-C...